No. We do have a terms of service everyone has to agree to that explains our standard business practices. Beyond that all clients, and Turd Herders itself, can start or stop services at anytime.
No. In fact we have clients that we‘ve been servicing for years and we have never officially met! As long as the details of the service area are included in your account, we can generally scoop your yard even if nobody is home.
While we love dogs, and they are one of the reasons many of us started working in this field, our insurance regulations require no dogs be in the yard while we work. This is to protect both the scooper and your dogs. Remember that if your dog bites someone in the yard and they need medical attention, it is usually required for the doctor to contact law enforcement, and nobody wants that to happen.
Absolutely! Whether during the winter in the north or hurricane season in the south, as long as your dogs are using the yard we are scooping.
With the exception of extremely heavy rain or thunder and lightning storms, we're not afraid to get wet and will still scoop your yard that day of service. In the case of a snow storm or a day when there is ice on the roads we may need to cancel service for that day or if given enough notice scoop your yard a day earlier or later. In rare cases we may need to skip your yard for the week and pick back up service the next week. Weather credits are given in this instance.
Yes. Any gates should be unlocked and gateways should be unblocked for easy access to the yard. We send a picture through our program after each service showing that the gate is close and latched after we are done. If we're unable to latch it for any reason, we will also let you know in the comments section of your visit report.
Of course. We all deserve to have time off. Unlike other companies that charge whether they scoop or not, we will not charge you if we are not on the property. Just remember to let us know in advance as there will be a charge if we come to your property and your animals don't need to be scooped.
We work on a prepaid billing cycle. Invoices are generated on the 15th of each month and are due on the 1st of the following month for that month's service.
We accept checks, credit card payments, or automatic drafts from your account. Unlike many companies in our industry we do not require cards to be on file or otherwise require automatic payments, though it is highly suggested that you enroll in this program so payment is on time each month. Automatic payments are processed on the first of each month. You can authorize payment from your account at anytime through your online account, or checks can be mailed to the address on the invoice.
Yes. For each new client that lists you as a referral and pays for at least a month, you will receive a $30 credit to your account. This is also a bonus program for our employees so make sure to mention them if they refer you as well.