Terms of Service
Effective May 20, 2019
Our Mission
Our Mission is to provide services to families that wish to enjoy time with their pets, but don’t really care to deal with what their pets leave behind.
Privacy Policy
At Turd Herders LLC we take our customers’ privacy very seriously. While there is personal information that we need to conduct business, you can feel comfortable in knowing that we do not sell or give out any of our clients’ information. Credit card and bank account information is not available to Turd Herders LLC and is used by our processing company only. You may receive texts, emails, or phone calls from Turd Herders LLC about services or products we offer, or occasionally a newsletter to bring you up to speed on the latest from Turd Herders LLC and the pet industry.
What to Expect from Us
The day before you are scheduled for service you will receive a reminder email that we will be out the following day for service. This message will remind you to make sure your yard is accessible, any gates are unlocked, and any seasonal items that may affect cleaning of the yard.
When the tech arrives at your house, they will spray down their equipment and shoes with disinfectant (this is to minimize any cross contamination from other yards) and walk in a grid pattern to pick up all turds they can find. Keep in mind that excessive leaves and tall grass will hide some turds. In the winter snow is an issue. Please keep in mind that we get all we can when there is snow on the ground, but sometimes it is too frozen to the ground to pick up. Rest assured we will get it on our next visit.
After scooping the yard, the tech will again spray their equipment and double bag any product they picked up. Our techs will then place the bagged product in their vehicle and remove it from your property so that you do not have to deal with it, ever.
Dog Policy
While we would love to meet every dog on our routes , it is not possible and not always safe. If you are home and come out to your yard with your dog while we are there, that is fine if your dog has good manners, nobody likes to be jumped on by an overexuberant pet. If you cannot be in the yard with your dog, your dog will have to be out of the yard while we are there. Even the friendliest of dogs can be fearful or aggressive when their owner isn’t around. This is also an insurance requirement for us to keep our insurance rates, and therefore your rates, low. If there is an issue, please contact us and we may be able to work something out. If at any time we are bitten or “Nipped” by any pet, we will, unfortunately, have to discontinue service immediately.
Time to Pet Program
If you have not been receiving emails from us, then we either do not have one on file for you, the one on file is no longer working, or the email company that hosts your email has either bounced our emails or placed them in SPAM. We very strongly encourage you to download the Time to Pet app on your smartphone or tablet so that all correspondence is received.
Please follow the directions below to log in to your portal account.
Go to the top of our home page.
Click on “log-in.”
Enter the email we have on file for you.
If you no longer have access to this email, need to use a different email, or have not given us an email, please email us at customerservice@turdherders.net to provide an up to date email that we can use for your account.
Enter your password, otherwise click on forgot password and follow the directions to reset the password for your account.
After logging in please verify that all your information is correct.
Email (you can change your email for correspondence with us.)
The number of dogs we are scooping for
Enter any desired information for your pets. If you know a birthday or adoption day, we would love to send a card or gift to you and your pet to celebrate with them.
Whether you would like Auto-Pay or not. If you select yes, please be sure to enter a card or account number.
From us to you:
Except for a possible newsletter, all correspondence coming from us will be through your Time to Pet (TTP) account or through USPS. As stated earlier, we highly recommend installing the TTP app on your phone or other mobile device. If you need assistance with this, please don’t hesitate to contact us. If there are any issues with billing, we may contact you by phone.
From you to us:
You can use the message function of your TTP account to contact us. This can be done simply by logging into your account/app or replying to a previous message. This is our preferred method as it is easy to understand, and we get notified immediately of the message.Phone calls.
If a question is more involved or you have several questions, then you can just give us a call. Just remember that you may need to leave a message and wait for a return call.
All invoices will come through Time to Pet. Your invoicing being correct is dependent on the number of dogs entered in your account. This service is pre-paid as a per visit fee. Invoices are sent out on the 15th of each month and payment is due on the 1st of the next month for that next month’s service. For anyone that elects for Autopay, payment will be charged on the 1st. You may receive a couple of notifications before this, but if you have it setup with us you don’t need to do anything.
You will receive a notification the day before your account is going to be charged. This is your opportunity to change any information if you have a lost or outdated card on file. If payment is not received by the 5th of the month for which payment is due, you will be charged a 10% late fee. If payment is not received by the 15th of the month for which payment is due, then service will be suspended until payment is made.
All missed services during the suspension will accrue at full price. After 30 days of non-payment your account will revert back to the last day serviced and a spring cleaning fee will be charged to start service again. Your account will continue to accrue a 10% fee for each month it remains past due. After 3 months of no payment the account will be referred to our attorneys for collection. Any additional fees incurred due to collections will be added to the account.
There is a $35 fee on any check that is returned for any reason.
You may pay whatever way is best for you. We accept the following for payment:
All major credit cards
ACH Direct Drafts (Not recommended as we get a high majority of these back as declined)
Checks mailed to the office.
We prefer that payment is not made to our techs as they have enough to do during the day
Vacation and Holidays
We understand that from time to time you may need to cancel service for a week or two. If the dog(s) are not going to be on the property and with at least a 24-hour notice, full credit will be given if you need to cancel service for the week. Please note that if the dog(s) are still going to be on the property then there will be a 50 % Credit given for that week. If we arrive at your house and cannot service your yard for any reason, you will be charged for a full visit.
Turd Herders LLC does not scoop on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. This will result in some service days being shifted. We will inform you of which day you will be scooped if you are affected.
We also do not work the last week of the year, Christmas to New Year's Day. This is the one time of the year that our entire company can be off and enjoy time with their families. No charges will be applied for this last week.
Inclement Weather Policy
If we need to cancel service on any day due to inclement weather (Snow, Lightning, extreme rain, or cold) you will receive a 50% credit for that day. If we need to cancel for any other reason you will receive full credit for the week of missed service.
Pausing Service for Winter
Many customers choose to pause service for the winter. Anyone that pauses service for more than two months will be subject to the spring-cleaning charge of $30 for each additional half hour it takes to clean the yard. Unless, of course, the customer cleans the yard themselves in the spring. We do encourage those that pause service to call quickly in the spring, as once the snow melts it could take a while before we are able to get back to cleaning your yard.
Not expected or required, but many clients have asked about tipping and our techs certainly appreciate it. Turd Herders LLC does allow tipping of their team members and follows all applicable state and federal laws. If you wish to tip your scooper just let us know when making your payment, add a tip to your invoice before paying, or you may tip them directly. If making a payment through your account, there is a place to add a tip. Unless a specific person is named, the tip will be split among the different scoopers that have serviced your yard.
Referral Plan
Word of mouth is the best advertising for us, so if you refer anyone, we will reward you! For any referral that you send us (that client must stay with our company for more than a month), we will Add a $30 credit to your account as a thank you. This is unlimited! Just have that new client make sure to tell us that you referred them so we can make sure you get credited for the referral.
37 Crystal Ave #4
Derry, NH 03038
NH Phone: (603) 965-2259
NC Phone: (252) 777-0106
Toll Free Phone: (855) 472-6672
Email: customerservice@turdherders.net
FaceBook: www.facebook.com/turdherders
Subject to Update as Needed